Goodness knows 30 isn't old but I feel like I'm certainly pushing the boundaries of "young" and creeping uncomfortably close to "middle age". Please save me. Please continue to think I'm cute and overlook my outfits... Pretty please.
Anyway, no matter how much I lament my... um... age, here's a picture of the one person in the world who can make me forget all this nonsense:
(and she was even willing to wear, as my birthday present, the over-the-top-cute outfit I made Granny buy for one dollar.)
(It had little bloomers with a bell sewn in them :-)
And here's a picture she took of me. All by herself!
We had a good weekend doing spur of the moment things:
Sat) Decided at 4pm to drive to Columbia and see Stacy's new house. Went to a de-lic-ious authentic Mexican restaurant. Yum.
Sun) Slept in. Ate a yummy brunch with Mimi after which she took Anna to spend the afternoon with her. Continued to read Harry Potter in my jammies till 3pm. Decided last minute to see the Harry Potter movie and go out to dinner. Went to bed a happy girl.
And to finish the birthday post, here are 30 things you might not know about me:
1) Motherhood is WAY different than I thought and I love it!
2)I'm a triathlete (OK. That one was cheating.)
3)I like to exercise but typically have to be in a class or I won't get up and go.
4)I still think I might be famous someday. (Got plenty of time.)
5)Weak men tend to be scared of me, which is just silly
6)I still harbor a crush on Ralph Macchio (The Karate Kid).
7)I love reading. Pretty much anything but nonfiction.
8)I'm one of those saps for World Peace and a healthy planet. Yep. I am.
9)On that note, I helped bring curbside recycling to Jeff City!
10)I still think farts are funny and I hope I always will.
11)I can sing all the words to many, many songs but can tell you the artists and titles to almost none of them.
12)I stink at knowing facts about history.
13)I'm embarrassingly bad at geography but have made several attempts to learn over the years.
14)I'm currently trying to get over a fear of flying.
15)This is related to two bouts of anxiety I had in my mid-twenties that I learned so, so much from and am tempted to say I'd do all over again if given the choice.
16)I LOVE to swim! Love it.
17)I've been in the following musicals: Sound of Music(x2), Annie, South Pacific, Annie Get Your Gun, Fiddler on the Roof, Bye Bye Birdie, Oliver, and GeorgeM! I'm sure I'll do some more. They are addictive.
18)I wanted nothing to do with politics until Bush. Now I'm obnoxious about it.
19)I'm a sucker for Red Lobster.
20)I'm a feminist and will be until it's logical to be an equalist.
21)Red wine is my drink of choice. Red, red wine... (I could sing all that one as well. Can't tell you who wrote it.)
22)I love to dance. Anytime, anyplace. (One of those things that just starts to look creepy at a certain age. I need to get my wiggles out now.)
23)I don't have an enemy. I like people too much. They give me energy!
24)I cried so hard once during Miss Saigon that the front of my shirt was wet. I wonder how i'd react now as a mom. Sheesh!
25)I never got into Seinfeld. I think it was silly.
26)I'm on a crazy religious/spiritual journey that is making me a bigger person but that is taking longer than I thought.
27)I like riding my bike a night. In the dark. It's only me and the wind, baby!
28)I can't eat too much chocolate. I LOVE it, but it needs to be ON something, not THE something (unless it's a small square of dark chocolate. Then it's ON!)
29)I have an ever-growing amount of self-knowledge and that has made life sooo much easier.
30)I feel blessed everyday!
I could come up with a lot more but enough about me! Thanks for reading!