Got back from family vacation a couple of weeks ago. We stayed at Shawnee Creek Cottages (cozy, but buggy) and toured these locations:
Blue Spring
Big Spring
Alley Spring
Round Spring
Noticing a theme?

We drove there at night (big mistake). After we took a wrong turn and Curt survived "Cold shoulder Maria complete with dagger eyes", we finally got there. Emily and Aaron and their brood survived "overfloating" toilets, awake children, car sickness, state troopers, etc. to finally arrive even later than us. Then, they commenced finding a spider in Molly's bedding and waking up the next morning refreshed only to have Ben stung by a bee. Twice.
But all in all, it was a good trip. Once Granny and Grandpa arrived the next day, the kid to adult ratio improved greatly, as did everyone's mood.
Anna paddled around in Rocky Falls, experiencing her first swimming hole. Curt tried showing off by pretending to go down the falls, only to lose traction and nearly actually going down the falls. Classic Curt.
Curt, Anna, and I showed off our cool "I Like Turtles" shirts, compliments of our friends Sean and Lisa. If you have seen the video, you get the shirts. If you haven't - can't explain it. Wouldn't be funny if I did.