Thursday, July 3, 2008


I'm supposed to give Anna 100% attention (that's called nurturing, right?) all of her waking hours, figure out a way to keep the house in a state I can tolerate (DESPITE Curt) have what would be called MY LIFE after Anna goes to bed at 8ish. Ummm... do I get to fit "doting wife" in there somewhere else except under the category of cleaning house? Wait... do I have a husband? What's his name?

I give Anna as much attention as I can.
I give Curt as much attention as I can.
I give myself as much attention as I can.
I give my house a glance a time or two.
I give my beautiful yard a glance... never.
And oh wait... I just realized I have two kitties.

And I remain tired and stressed, but secretly happy! :-)

Can I have a back rub?

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